466 ondersteunde journalisten gevonden die voldoen aan je criteria. Op kaart

Habacuc Antonio de Rosario

Habacuc Antonio de Rosario is a Mexican screenwriter.

Halima Athumani

Halima Athumani is a digital and television journalist from Kampala.

Hani Yassin

Hani Yassin is an Egyptian journalist.

Hanne Couderé

Hanne Couderé is a Belgian freelance journalist. She studied Political Sciences and Development Studies in Antwerp and Brussels, and completed a postgraduate course in International Research Journalism.

Hanne Phlypo

Hanne Phlypo (1984) has years of experience as a location hunter, production manager and assistant-director for several movies in Belgium and abroad

Hannes Blommaert

Hannes Blommaert is a Belgian producer and director of photograpy.

Hannes Verhoustraete

Hannes Verhoustraete (1986) is a Brussels filmmaker.

Harry Gruyaert

Harry Gruyaert is a Belgian photographer.

Hein Van den Brempt

Hein Van den Brempt is a Belgian teacher of secondary education in Roermond (NL), Tienen, Aarschot, Keerbergen, Luxembourg (LU) and Ixelles. On retirement in 2007.

Heleen Debeuckelaere

Heleen Debeuckelaere is a historian, writer and organizer based in Brussels.

Helena Cazaerck

Helena Cazaerck is a freelance reporter for De Standaard, Knack, Mo* and international media such as The Slovak Spectator. She works from Belgium, Denmark, Ukraine, Russia and Slovakia.
Helena Cazaerck

Hélène Christelle Munganyende

Hélène Christelle Munganyende is schrijfster en journaliste.

Hélène Molinari

Hélène Molinari is a freelance journalist. She started her career in Belgium in 2012 working for the satirical and local newspaper Le Poiscaille (Liège) or the magazine C4 which both don’t exist anymore.

Hellen Kooijman

Hellen Kooijman is a Dutch freelance journalist.

Hester den Boer

Hester den Boer (1981) is a freelance investigative journalist and photographer.

Hilde Baele

Hilde Baele (1967) works as a media training coordinator and teacher for Deutsche Welle Akademie within a project with young people.

HIlde De Windt

Hilde De Windt is a Belgian journalist and photographer.

Huib de Zeeuw

Huib de Zeeuw (1984) is a freelance investigative journalist, specialising in energy and the Middle East. He writes about energy for De Onderzoeksredactie, De Groene Amsterdammer and De Correspondent and has written about the Middle East for various…

Idries Bensbaho

Idries Bensbaho is a Belgian actor, producer and journalist best known for his work in both film and television.
Idries Bensbaho

Ike Teuling

Ike Teuling is a Dutch freelance investigative journalist based in Brussels.

Ilse Prinsen

Ilse Prinsen is a Belgian freelance photographer and journalist.

Ilvy Njiokiktjien

Ilvy Njiokiktjien (29) is a Dutch news and documentary photographer. Her work appeared in NRC Handelsblad, Der Spiegel and The New York Times, among others, and received several awards...

Ine Roox

Ine Roox (Bilzen, 1977) works since 2003 as a journalist for the Belgian daily De Standaard. At the foreign desk, she covers Africa, Southern Europe and Northern Ireland. She has a masters degree in translation (Lessius Hogeschool Antwerp, 1999) and…
Ine Roox

Inge Wagemakers

Inge is has a PhD in development studies. She co-produced several documentaries together with Luk Dewulf.

Irene Van der Linde

Irene Van der Linde is a Dutch journalist.

Iris Oppelaar

I write about (and photograph) people, cultures and traditions that interest or amaze me. Or both. My stories and photographs mainly cover the countries of the Former Soviet Union with a particular focus on Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and…

Isabel Pousset

In 2003, Isabel Pousset (°1976) graduated in photography from the academy in Ghent. Since 2004, she has been working as a freelance photographer for several newspapers and magazines including Vacature Magazine. She has gone on a number of…

Isabelle Ntanga Kabeya

Isabelle Ntanga Kabeya is a Congolese journalist.

Isabelle Vanhoutte

Isabelle Vanhoutte (º1987) works as journalist and teacher. She has obtained a master's degree in history and art history. Since 2016, she writes about sustainable bottom-up projects and circulair economy on her blog kleinerevolutie.org.

Jamie MacLean

After a training at the SAE in Amsterdam, Jamie started working on the audio post production of Videohouse. For five years he provided the mix, voice-over recordings and sound design of numerous TV programs and documentaries (The Voice,…