Selma Zijlstra is editor/journalist at Vice Versa, journalism platform on global collaboration.

At Vice Versa she writes about non-violent resistance and women's rights, mostly with a focus on Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East or Europe's eastern borders.


Selma Zijlstra

Supported projects

Challenges and trends in development aid

  • Human Rights
  • Education
  • Politics
BUSAN - From 29 November to 1 December, development aid is a high-ranked topic on the international agenda. More than 2,000 representatives of governments, multilateral organisations and NGOs will work in Busan, South Korea, on making development aid more efficient. In a complex, fast-changing world with emerging powers, financial crises and massive austerity measures, the ambition in Busan is to create a new global partnership for development. Will that actually succeed?