
As American voters prepare for the Presidential ballot, the economic inequality is the largest since the Great Depression. While the financial crisis left many people without a job and a lot of debt, a small majority is doing better than ever.
The elections are therefore less about personal or ethical preferences, than they are about the future ecnomic model of the States.

Writing for both the Philadelphia Inquirer and the business magazine Trends of Belgium, reporter Peter Vanham brings the story of that choice trough different contrasts. We hear the the story of the steel worker and the CEO, the senator and the unemployed, the Wharton professor and the community college student.

In the end, the goal is to understand how macro-economic policies affect the everyday lives of people and businesses, and how that in turn it shapes their political preferences.

Peter Vanham

Peter Vanahm is an economics jornalist. He writes about the relaiton between the economy, entrepreneurship, and the real life everywhere in the world.