LONDON - The Bevins Prize, established to recognise outstanding achievement in investigative journalism, has opened for entries for its 2010 award.

LONDON - The Bevins Prize, established to recognise outstanding achievement in investigative journalism, has opened for entries for its 2010 award.

The award of the Rat Up a Drainpipe trophy is presented in memory of Tony Bevins, the first political editor of The Independent, who died in 2001 after a short illness.

Bevins was famous for causing mischief in both the political and journalism world, and this is where the award takes its name.

The prize is presented annually at the Society of Editors conference. This year’s event will be in Glasgow, in November.

Guardian journalist Paul Lewis won last year’s prize for his exposing of police conduct in a series of stories about the death of Ian Tomlinson during the G20 riots.

Times reporter Deborah Haynes won the first Bevins Prize, in 2008, for her coverage of interpreters in Iraqi who were facing persecution for colluding with the British.

Entries must be made by 3 September. The Competition is open to UK residents. Details of how to enter can be found at Bevinsprize.org.

Source: Pressgazette.co.uk

Journalismfund is hiring

Vacature: projectcoördinator Fonds Pascal Decroos


BRUSSEL - Fonds Pascal Decroos is één van de vlaggenschepen van de organisatie Journalismfund Europe VZW. Werkbeurzen voor journalistieke projecten worden 4 keer per jaar gedistribueerd in een competitief peer-review proces door een anonieme jury van media professionals. Om onze activiteiten in Vlaanderen verder uit te bouwen zoekt Journalismfund Europe een voltijdse projectcoördinator.