
ALEXANDRIA - At the start of the second edition of the International Journalists of the Mediterranean the "Caravella of the Mediterranean" -prize will be given to the winning journalists.

The winning journalists are : Toni Capuozzo (war correspondent and deputy director of TG5), Domenico Nunnari (vice director of TGR), Antonio Fatiguso (Press Tokyo), Gina Di Meo (war freelance correspondent), Archangel Moro (founder and first director in Kosovo of Radio West the first radio station in the history of Italian Armed during the mission Joint Guardian Forces).

The notice of the competition is that the articles, services or reports must be published during the period from the first of January 2008 until the 31st of December 2009 on a recorded texts, whether printed, radio, television or Internet. The article must have a size from a minimum of 2000 characters to a maximum of 15,000. The television or radio must have a minimum duration of 2 minutes and maximum of 15 minutes.
The competition is divided into four sections:

  1. Mission of peace abroad Italy (print) :  This section will be awarded for the best journalistic product that has worked in peacekeeping missions abroad in Italy, like civil and military cooperation, public information in operational theaters such as Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.; 
  2. Solidarity, relief and civil commitment (video) :  In this section you will be rewarded with the best service journalism (reporting or survey) who have treated issues related to the role of human solidarity and civic commitment. Will also be awarded the work of journalists who have commented in the past year and reported a critical situations of the major Italian emergencies;
  3. Immigration, integration, welcome (video) :  In this section you will be rewarded with the best service journalism (reporting or survey), which has addressed the issues of illegal immigration, social integration, acceptance and, in particular the political role played by the European Union in favor of peaceful coexistence among peoples and groups of different ethnicity and religion; 
  4. Young talents and web (video) :  This section will be awarded for the best news report, prepared by young people aged between 19 and 25, who has better expressed the potential of new communication through the use of new technologies, disseminating news in real time. Will be taken into account the use of multimedia mobile phones, internet, social-network, micro-blogging

The event will take place in Bari, Italy on the 30th of May 2010.