Ana Muñoz Padrós is a journalist and a communicator.

She has written narrative journalism pieces for Spanish-speaking magazines such as Jot Down, El Malpensante, Píkara, Altaïr as well as news articles for El País, Mondo Sonoro and US outlets like VICE and Ms. Magazine. She was the founder and editor of award-winning feminist online magazine Malquerida and was shortlisted for the Nuevas Plumas new non-fiction prize. She currently works at a human rights organisation in Brussels.

Ana Muñoz Padrós


Ana Muñoz Padrós
human rights

Supported projects

Victims of female genital mutilation

  • Healthcare
  • Religion

BRUSSELS- What prevents a woman with FGM from going to the doctor? While there are more and more survivors of female genital mutilation (FGM) living in Belgium, strikingly very few visit the healthcare centres for women with FGM in the country. Through an in-depth investigation, this project aims to better understand the reasons and meanings of this discrepancy as well as it brings the needs and experiences of these women to the centre of the conversation.