Luc Vanheerentals is a Belgian freelance journalist.

Luc Vanheerentals (1954) is a political scientist and criminologis. After working for several years at the Department of Criminology of the KU Leuven, he has been an independent professional journalist since 1984. In recent years he has mainly worked for media such as Belga press agency, De RandKrant, De Journalist, Radio2 Vlaams-Brabant, ROBtv, RINGtv... He has also written several books such as 'Fifty Ways to Leave Your Car. Sustainable Alternatives to the Car' (2017), 'Leuven as it is. On the eve of the 2018 elections' (2018), 'The Leuven World Improvers' (2020).


Luc Vanheerentals

Supported projects

In Europe, social mask of Vlaams Belang falls

  • Politics

BRUSSELS - In the European Parliament, Vlaams Belang has a very different narrative than the social image the party wants to project in Flanders. Even in Flanders, by the way, this social narrative should be taken with a grain of salt.

On the sense and nonsense of free public transportation

  • Transport

LUXEMBOURG - Worldwide, public transport is already completely or partially free in more than 275 cities and regions. The outlier is the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, which on March 1, 2020, became the first country in the world to make both train, streetcar and bus completely free, and this for both its own residents and foreign visitors.

Pharma sector keeps medical news in tight grip

BRUSSELS - The flip side of pharmaceutical companies' staggering profit figures is that the marketing for their products is incredibly important. Dutch research shows that pharma even spends twice as much money on this than on the development of new drugs. In this study we examine to what extent and in what way health information in the professional media is influenced by the pharmaceutical industry.

Expensive housing in Leuven

  • Economy

LEUVEN - The fact that Leuven is an expensive city to live in has, among other consequences, forced many to move elsewhere. The 2017 City Monitor showed that 15 percent of the inhabitants had plans to do so. No less than 56 percent cited financial reasons for this.

Evaluation of the environmental and climate policy of the city of Leuven

  • Energy
  • Environment

LEUVEN - The European Commission gave Leuven the prestigious Green Leaf Award 2018 for its climate policy and, in its motivation for naming the city the European Capital of Innovation in 2020, referred to 'inspiring governance models' for getting residents, businesses and knowledge institutions to participate in that policy. However, Leuven's excellent climate performance is not evident from the figures of the past decade.