Tinne Claes is a Belgian historian and freelance investigative journalist.

She is particularly interested in gender, medicine and sexuality. She writes mainly - but not exclusively - about historical themes. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). She is working on a book about the recent history of unwanted childlessness.


Tinne Claes
gender, medicine and sexuality

Supported projects

The history of the Belgian sperm bank

  • Healthcare
  • Science

BRUSSELS - The sperm bank appeals to the imagination. Especially its pioneering years, when there were no rules and doctors did as they pleased. Yet hardly anyone knows how it used to be, because donor insemination happened in the greatest secrecy.

The forgotten softenon

  • Healthcare
  • Social Affairs

BRUSSELS - A pregnancy test that could lead to a miscarriage or a child with a birth defect. Abroad, the drug Duogynon is causing controversy to this day. This autumn, a British victims' organisation is suing the manufacturer, pharmaceutical giant Schering (now Bayer).

The S53

  • Migration

BEERVELDE - Every night the last train leaves for the Belgian village of Beervelde, located along the E17. From the station, young men and women try to reach one of the nearby motorway parking lots, usually on foot. There they try to get on a truck that will bring them to England.