BRUSSELS - The thirty glorious years after the Second World War, that manic period of reconstruction and economic boom, have been decisive for the Belgium of today. The whole country was turned upside down. New jobs, habits and ideas replaced the old ones. At the end of those triumphant decades, Belgians were richer, freer and better educated than ever before.
This was also the time of migrant labour. Hundreds of thousands of people, originating from the belt of countries around the Mediterranean, moved to our country to help shape the new Belgium. The impact they had in economic, demographic, cultural and political terms is immense. In this first part of his great history of Belgium as a migration country, Tom Naegels tells the story of this migration in all its aspects. It starts with the liberation in 1944 and ends with the election in 1978 of the first representative of the new Vlaams Blok party.
European unification, the Cold War, decolonisation and the power struggle in the Middle East form the geopolitical backdrop against which this story is set. The perspective of the Belgian elite alternates with that of the Italian, Moroccan and Turkish elite. But the story also looks at the tensions in the Flemish-nationalist movement, at Wallonia's fear of political and economic marginalisation, at the difficulties faced by schools and at the diplomatic wrangling over the foundation of the Great Mosque. And it juxtaposes the experiences of the newcomers with those of the native Belgians.
This book paints a rich and multifaceted picture of 'Belgium in the world', providing the context and insights needed to understand the country today.
€8,000 allocated on 21/06/2016
€8,000 allocated on 04/07/2017
- Geen honden of Noord-Afrikanen, De Standaard, 21/08/2021.
BOOK (in Dutch)
- Title: Nieuw België
Subtitle: een migratiegeschiedenis - 1944-1978
Author: Tom Naegels
Pages: 480
Date of publication: 24/08/2021
EAN: 9789401434508
Publisher: Lannoo