BRUSSELS - Money is Petar's main reason for becoming a long-distance truck driver: it can give his child a future. But as the weeks and months go by, Petar feels his dreams slipping through his fingers.
The world of highways, industrial estates and car parks is hard to keep sane. Distance and time cause his marriage to crumble, to the point where he is about to lose all contact with his son. A Parked Life offers a majestic view of the European continent, from the simmering deserts of Spain to the frozen north of Norway. At the same time, it offers a delicate observation of a man who feels disconnected and lost in this world.
€ 1.205 allocated on 5/06/2019
Pascal Decroos Fund
- Een portret van een vrachtwagenchauffeur zit vol vervreemdende schoonheid, De Volkskrant, 17/08/2022.
- A parked life toont de weinig romantische achterkant van onze economie, Het Parool, 17/08/2022.
- Een pion in een doorgeslagen economisch systeem, NRC, 17/08/2022.
- Over een leven op parkeerplaatsen en op de snelwegen van Europa, Trouw, 17/08/2022.
- Wanneer elk shot een pareltje is, De Morgen, 13/12/2022.