
Although narcissism is a popular theme in today's media, there is also much confusion about it. This series explores what narcissism is and how destructive the consequences can be for people in close contact with a narcissist. The witnesses are former partners or relatives of.

Sofie Hanegreefs' three-part podcast series 'When the mask falls' examines what narcissism is and how destructive the consequences can be for people who are in close contact with a narcissist. 
In each episode, various testimonies about narcissistic abuse are interspersed with the expertise of psychiatric and forensic experts.



Illustratie: ©Chantal Pollier

Sofie Hanegreefs

Sofie Hanegreefs is a Belgian filmmaker and artist.
€ 3.200 allocated on 25/08/2020.


Als het masker valt, Zandman, Radio 1, 16/03/2021, 22u00.