15 supported projects found that match your criteria. Awarded projects View on map

Lack of statistics stops any investigation into corporate crimes

  • Justice

BELGIUM - Since 1999, companies are subject to appear before criminal courts for the crimes they commit. How often did this happen? When did it not happen? For what reason? What punishment did the public prosecutor ask for if the case did go to court? And what punishment did the judge pronounce?

Dilemmas of Democracy

  • Justice
  • Politics

The 20th century has been characterised by the granting of a diverse range of rights to different segments of society. But for some of these rights, we haven’t found the ideal democratic ways to organise them yet. Three cases.


  • Corruption
  • Justice
  • Organised crime

An investigation into the contemporary Italian mafia in Europe. Or how the mafia made its way to the Low Countries.

The State Secrets Files

  • Social Affairs
  • Justice

BELGIUM - In the Netherlands, it has been possible for years: a visit to the Nationaal Archief (National Archive) to find out what your grandfather or grandmother's wartime past was. In Belgium, however, these archives remain closed, for fear that 'certain passions' will flare up. Anoek Nuyens and Lynn Berger on the struggle of historians and archivists for more openness.


  • Justice
  • Organised crime

BELGIUM - 17 Raids between 1982 and 1985, 28 dead, more than 40 injured, barely 175,000 euros in loot and no one convicted. The Nivelles Gang is the largest unresolved judicial file in Belgium. Hilde Geens did what someone rarely does: she read the judicial files about the Nivelles Gang and discovered that she was being deceived.