NAIROBI - For decades Kenya has been a purveyor of Olympic medals in distance running, and it will continue to be so at the Paris Games, but for the past decade or so it has also been clear that there is a strong smell of doping attached to the medals. Athletics is one of the most important economic sectors in Kenya and where there is money, there is cheating.
Athletes, trainers, managers, doctors, physiotherapists, masseurs, pharmacists, doping controllers and sports associations. At every possible level, Kenya does have involvement in the network of large-scale doping. Currently, more than 80 Kenyan runners have been suspended for using banned substances, thus, the problem is significant. Meanwhile, steps are being taken towards purging the sport, but this is proceeding with difficulty, according to interviews with athletes, experts and an exclusive interview with the local envoy of Athletics Integrity.
Photo: Milan Augustijns
- Terwijl de Kenianen talloze medailles winnen in Parijs, blijft het dopingprobleem in eigen land huizenhoog, De Standaard, 10/08/2024.