
CAIRO - Baharak Bashar was thirteen when she fled from Iran to Belgium with her mother. Away from the ayatollah's and their religious narrow-mindedness.

Towards the Free West. But half a life later, she goes the other way. Why is she, the militant freethinker, suddenly so interested in the Koran? And what about that young Syrian's statement that in democracies you can talk freely but no one listens?

Baharak Bashar

Baharak Bashar is a Belgian freelance journalist.
Baharak Bashar
€8,000 allocated on 31/05/2010

BOOK (in Dutch)

  • Title: Djenghis, democratie en vrouwen
    Subtitle: Een Iraanse van Gent naar Caïro.
    Author: Baharak Bashar
    Editor: EPO, Berchem-Antwerpen, 2011
    ISBN: 9789491297106
    NUR: 680
    Pages: ca. 280 pagina’s
    Price: ca. € 22,00