BRUSSELS - What do politicians think about media and political reporting? In recent months, Apache.be has spoken with the party chairmen of the liberal party Open VLD, the Christian democratic party CD&V, the socialist party Sp.a and the green party Groen and with various media specialists and communication staff of those parties.
What is most striking is that the formulated criticism is very similar. One formulates it more sharply than the other and the emphases sometimes differ, but despite the conflicting ideologies, the pain points that the various parties list about the media are surprisingly similar.
Photo's © Marc Mateus / © Tommy Wells
€3,000 allocated on 16/09/2013
Pascal Decroos Fund
ONLINE (in Dutch)
- Hoe politici over media denken, Apache, 26/08/2014.
- Media en Politiek (1): Op zoek naar bloed, Apache, 26/08/2014.
- Media en Politiek (2): De afwezige tegenmacht, Apache, 27/08/2014.
- Media en Politiek (3): Feed the beast, Apache, 28/08/2014.