SCHIPHOL - In Belgium and the Netherlands, Mexican laborers have raised a new branch of the drug industry: crystal meth. Arthur Debruyne portrays all those involved. 'Buying gloves? Just tell those mexi to work'.
'Through the expertise of a handful of Mexicans, Belgium and the Netherlands have quickly become world players in the production of a drug that, as a cheaper synthetic alternative to cocaine according to the United Nations, is opening up new markets worldwide, often among vulnerable groups. Based on dozens of interviews in six countries with law enforcement officials, underworld brokers, drug traffickers, users and, for the first time, Mexican lab technicians, supplemented by research in criminal files and judgments, Latin America correspondent Arthur Debruyne sheds light on this new branch of organized crime in the Low Countries.
The result of this years-long investigation has already appeared in De Standaard Weekblad. Later this year, "The Mexican Method" will be published as a book by Ambo Anthos (NL).
- Title: De Mexicaanse Methode
Subtitle: De opmars van crystal meth in de lage landen
Author: Arthur Debruyne
Publication date: 29/09/2023
Publisher: Ambo/Anthos
Pages: 320
- Betrokkenheid Mexicaanse kartels bij crystal meth in Nederland niet aangetoond, Crimesite, 05/01/2023.
- Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Mexican drug reception point, Insight Crime, 13/01/2023.
- Nederlanders hebben de grondstof, de Mexicaantjes kunnen koken, De Standaard, 14/01/2023.
- Steeds vaker Mexicaanse cocaïne en crystal meth onderschept op Schiphol, Crimesite, 15/01/2023.