
The term climate change usually conjures up images of melting glaciers, rising sea levels and outsize hailstones. But what will be its impact on life on Earth? Science journalist Tim Vernimmen interviewed scientists in Southern Europe who document species' gradually shifting comfort zones.

He also investigates what these phenomena may teach us about the consequences the changes may have for our own lives, and the living organisms we depend on for food. Furthermore, the thoroughly investigated natural areas of Europe may help predict the fate of similar areas in developing countries, where human populations are even more vulnerable to decreasing yields.

The series will appear in three parts in the weekend edition of Belgian newspaper De Standaard. Part 1, 'Het wordt steeds drukker in het hooggebergte' (NL), was published on 5 July 2014.

Tim Vernimmen

Freelance science journalist Tim Vernimmen writes about all things alive. His articles have been published by a range of newspapers, magazines and websites in Belgium and abroad.
A working grant of € 6,000 allocated on 11/06/2014.


Het wordt steeds drukker in het hooggebergte’ (NL) (De Standaard, 5 July 2014)