56 supported projects found that match your criteria. Awarded projects View on map

The garden of Tito. A journey along the Belgrade-Sarajevo railway.

  • Politics
  • Armed conflict
  • Culture

Korneel De Rynck travels along the railway line, through Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, along places that recall death and destruction. He investigates what happened back then and what changed since the end of the war. Do the people live together again? Did the circumstances that led to war disappear?

Xinjiang: a melting pot of cultures at the end of the world

  • Politics
  • Innovation
  • Culture

Xinjiang is a province of China, with the statute of ‘Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region’ under control of the central Chinese government. It is very Chinese and at the same time it seems not Chinese at all. Xinjiang borders Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. It has a climate that is barely appropriate for human life with temperatures of minus 30 to plus 48, with strong dessert winds that regularly cover everything in dust and sand. It is one of the areas on earth furthest away from the sea.

Congo. A History

  • Politics
  • Culture

 In July 2009, the American magazine Foreign Policy published its annual list of failed nation-states. The Democratic Republic of Congo occupied fifth place, after notoriously dysfunctional states like Somalia, Zimbabwe, Sudan, and Chad, and ahead of war-torn countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. This performance was particularly depressing, given the high hopes that surrounded the presidential election of 2006, the first democratic ballot since the country gained independence in 1960.

Le Djoliba and the people of Mali

  • Human Rights
  • Environment
  • Culture

The river Niger, Mali's vein of life, is in danger. Photographer Raymond Dakoua shows the great economic, social, human and ecological importance of Africa's third longest river. 'Le Djoliba' means 'the river' in the Bambara language.

After Years of Walking

  • Armed conflict
  • Culture
  • Youth
  • Education
  • Politics

After the genocide of 1994, the Rwandan government temporarily suspended history from the school curriculum. The characters in After Years of Walking - children, teachers, genocide killers, students and historians - all find themselves in an uncertain zone between the old history and a new one.

World Music on Three Continents

  • Culture

The popularity of world music has been on the rise in recent years. But often the countries of origin of the musicians in question are only in the news because of wars, disasters or economic crises. The story behind the music, the importance of it in society as catalyst for messages of development or warnings against AIDS, is never told.