
LONDON - Frontline Club Charitable Trust announced this year’s winners of the Frontline Club Award and the Frontline Memorial Tribute. The celebration in association with Canon UK takes place in London, on the 28th of November. This time the organization has a special award to introduce the 2008 Frontline special Commendation. The winners of this year are the photograpers Yuri Kozyrev and Arkady Babchenko.

Yuri Kozyrev  received the award for his exceptional coverage of the Iraq war. His photographic essay starting from March 2003 covers the lives and stories of the people in and around Baghdad during the US-led attack.

The winner of the Frontline Special Commendation is Arkady Babchenko whose work covers the war in South Ossetia and Georgia. His work includes some of the most graphic and memorable footage from the recent war.

The winners get a lifetime membership of the Frontline Club. In addition this year, Canon gives two high-end photographic products. 

Frontline Club is a centre for quality journalism dedicated to ensure that stories that fade from headlines are kept in sharp focus. It exists to promote freedom of expression and support journalists, cameramen and photographers who risk their lives in the course of their work.

Read more about the organisation, the event, and the winners here.