
(BRUSSELS, 25/02/2008) -- Media and communications sectors are at the heart of EU’s efforts to create a true knowledge society. Innovative new offerings such as mobile television, Skype, iTunes and user generated content provide unique ways for citizens, consumers, industries and authorities alike to engage in and benefit from the knowledge economy. By blurring the traditional boundaries between broadcasting, telecommunication and information technologies, however, these new offerings also challenge the traditional policy frameworks within the EU. Previously distinct policies are now also converging. The lIES Spring Lecture Series will take place on the Campus of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels. Entrance free of charge. >>

Journalismfund is hiring

Vacature: projectcoördinator Fonds Pascal Decroos


BRUSSEL - Fonds Pascal Decroos is één van de vlaggenschepen van de organisatie Journalismfund Europe VZW. Werkbeurzen voor journalistieke projecten worden 4 keer per jaar gedistribueerd in een competitief peer-review proces door een anonieme jury van media professionals. Om onze activiteiten in Vlaanderen verder uit te bouwen zoekt Journalismfund Europe een voltijdse projectcoördinator.